Why You Should Only Charge Your EV to 80 Percent: How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety on Your EV and Yourself

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Why You Should Only Charge Your EV to 80 Percent

Learn the surprising reason why you should only charge your EV to 80 percent and what it means for your electric car’s health and efficiency.

If you own an electric vehicle (EV), you probably love the benefits of driving one. But you also probably worry about the battery. How long will it last? How often should you charge it? How can you prevent it from degrading over time?

The answer is to charge your EV to 80% – NOT 100%.

It might sound counterintuitive, but it’s true: Charging your EV to 80% can improve battery health and extend its lifespan.

But that’s not the whole story. Other factors, including temperature, driving style, and charging speed, affect the performance of an EV battery.

In this post, I’ll explain how these factors work and how you can optimize them to get the most out of your EV battery.

Scroll down to discover the secrets of EV battery charging that most people don’t know.

Reduces battery degradationLimits exposure to high heat, current, and voltage that can damage battery cells over time
Extends battery lifespanAvoiding full charges and deep discharges preserves battery health
Saves timeCharging stops at 80% instead of continuing to 100%, so it’s faster
Improves efficiencyPartial charges are more efficient than full charges

Key Takeaways

  • Charging your EV to 80% can improve battery health and extend its lifespan.
  • Limiting the charge to 80% can save time and improve overall efficiency.
  • The science behind lithium-ion batteries supports the benefits of charging up to 80%.

Why You Should Only Charge Your EV to 80 Percent

Why should you only charge to 80%? I’ll explain.

Charging to 80% can reduce the risk of battery degradation, limiting exposure to high heat, current, and voltage levels. These things can damage the battery cells over time. Bad news, right?

Here’s how they cause problems:

  • High levels of heat can cause corrosion and evaporation of the electrolyte, which is the liquid that enables the chemical reaction and the flow of current inside the battery. This can lead to premature battery failure.
  • High levels of current can cause mechanical stress and lithium plating on the battery electrodes, which are the solid parts that store and release the energy. This can lead to reduced battery performance and increased risk of fire.
  • High levels of voltage can cause parasitic side reactions and degradation of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). The SEI is the thin layer that forms on the electrode surface and protects it from further reactions. This can lead to reduced battery capacity and shorter battery life.

Reduces Risk of Battery Degradation

I’d like to point out that electric vehicles come with battery management systems. These systems prevent charging and discharging to these extremes. But, some systems are more protective than others. Luckily, most EV chargers can be set to shut off once the battery reaches the desired State of Charge (SOC).

How to Charge an EV to 80%

To maintain a healthy SOC for your EV battery, follow these simple steps:

  1. Use an EV charger that allows you to set a charging limit.
  2. Adjust the charger settings to stop at 80%.
  3. Regularly monitor your battery’s SOC through your vehicle’s dashboard or mobile app.

When You Should Charge to the Top

It’s worth mentioning that there may be times when you want or need to charge your EV to get maximum range. Charging to 100% shouldn’t be done every night. Remember to maintain your electric car’s battery between 20% and 80% capacity. This will optimize its performance and longevity.

Overview of Charging Methods for EVs

Here’s a closer look at EV charging methods.

Setting Charging Limits on an EV

As an electric vehicle (EV) owner, I can set charging limits to make sure the battery stays in good shape. Experts recommend keeping the battery charged between 20% and 80% most of the time. This simple practice extends the lifetime of the battery.

To set charging limits, I:

  1. Connect my EV to a charger
  2. Use the in-dash controls or mobile app to adjust the settings
  3. Choose my desired limit, usually around 80%

Monitoring Charging Progress

I also find it essential to keep tabs on my EV’s charging progress. Monitoring helps me stay informed about when my car will be ready for use. Plus, it gives me peace of mind about the battery’s health.

To check the charging progress, I:

  • Look at the in-dash display or indicators on the charger
  • Use my EV’s mobile app to receive updates
  • Pay attention to alerts or notifications I receive

By following these practices, I can minimize damage. I can also prolong the battery life of my electric vehicle. I can also get the most out of it. Remember to set charging limits. Keep an eye on charging progress to have a happier EV experience!

The Science of Lithium-Ion Batteries

What happens inside a lithium-ion battery?

Let’s talk it out

How Lithium-Ion Batteries Work

Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere. They power our phones, laptops, and electric vehicles (EVs). But how do they work? Well, these batteries have a simple design. They have two electrodes – an anode and a cathode. When charging, lithium ions flow from the cathode to the anode through an electrolyte. When discharging, they flow back, releasing the stored energy.

Effects of Overcharging and Undercharging on Battery Health

We all want our batteries to last longer. But we may be harming them by overcharging or undercharging. Overcharging can lead to excessive heat, causing damage. And undercharging can make batteries lose capacity over time.

So, what should we do? The answer lies in finding the perfect charging range. That’s where the 80% rule comes in.

Ideal Charging Range for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Charging your EV to 80% is the proactive way to care for its battery. It helps extend its life by preventing the problems mentioned above.

Some modern EVs have a built-in feature that lets you set a charging limit. You can also find chargers that offer this function. By setting the limit to 80%, you make sure that your battery stays in great shape for longer.

Sticking to this guideline is an essential part of battery care. So, the next time you’re charging your EV, remember to follow the 80% rule. Your battery will thank you!


  1. https://www.popsci.com/charge-batteries-right/
  2. https://cleantechnica.com/2021/08/03/lithium-ion-battery-care-guide-summary-of-battery-best-practices/
  3. https://www.electrifying.com/blog/knowledge-hub/why-giving-80percent-is-the-best-result-for-your-electric-car

Before You Go…

Now that you know why you should only charge your EV to 80 percent, you might be wondering how long your electric car battery will last. The truth is it depends on many factors. Some of them are under your control, and some of them are not. But there are ways to optimize your battery performance and longevity.

In our next post, “What is the Life Expectancy of an Electric Car Battery? Discover the Truth“, we’ll reveal the secrets of battery longevity and how to extend it. You’ll learn how to avoid common mistakes, choose the best charging options, and protect your battery from extreme temperatures and other hazards. This is a must-read for every EV owner. What’s stopping you? Read it now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s the FAQs

How does charging to 80% impact EV battery lifespan?

Charging your EV to 80% helps extend the battery’s life. It avoids stress on the battery. So, your EV battery lasts longer.

What are the benefits of not charging an EV to 100%?

Not charging your EV to 100% has a few benefits. First, it increases battery lifespan. Second, it can reduce charge time. Lastly, it helps maintain better battery performance.

How does charging to 80% affect charging speed?

Charging to 80% is usually faster. This is because the charging rate slows when the battery reaches 100%. So, stopping at 80% can save you some time.

Is it necessary to charge an EV to 100% occasionally?

No, but it depends on your vehicle and driving needs. Manufacturers recommend keeping the battery between 20% and 80%. If you need extra range for a long trip, you can charge it to 100%.

Are there any drawbacks to only charging an EV to 80%?

Some might argue that charging to 80% limits the EV’s range. The benefits, like extended battery life and faster charging, make it a good practice.

What are the widely accepted EV charging best practices?

Follow these best practices for EV charging:

  1. Keep your battery charged between 20% and 80%.
  2. Avoid charging to 100% unless necessary.
  3. Don’t let the battery run too low.
  4. Use proper charging equipment.

By following these tips, you’ll take good care of your EV battery.

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Steve Brown


Steve is a gadget enthusiast who's always been intrigued by batteries. The founder and editor of Battery Chargers Info, he's assembled a group of like-minded experts to cover every facet of portable power His aim is to help you learn more about your favorite gadgets and their batteries so you can maximize both their performance and their life. Follow him on Twitter: @batterycharge1

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