How to Store Golf Cart Batteries: 9 crucial steps you NEED to know!

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How to Store Golf Cart Batteries

Proper storage is key to ensuring the longevity of your golf cart batteries. Discover How to Store Golf Cart Batteries like a pro and avoid costly replacements.

As a golf cart owner, you know how important keeping your batteries in good condition is. But did you know that improper storage can lead to premature battery failure? I’ve experienced the frustration of a dead battery, and I don’t want you to go through the same thing.

Proper battery storage is like a good golf swing. It needs technique and attention to detail. By the end of this article, you’ll know how to keep your batteries in top shape and avoid a flat battery bunker.

So, are you ready to take your golf cart battery storage game to the next level?

Let’s tee off!

Key Takeaways

  • Proper storage ensures better performance and longer battery life
  • Different battery types, like lead-acid and lithium-ion, have unique storage requirements
  • Key steps include fully charging batteries, storing in cool, dry areas, and monitoring water levels and connections
Task ListDescription
Check the water levelsCheck the water levels of the batteries and add distilled water as needed.
Check the cablesCheck the cables for any signs of damage or corrosion, and clean them if necessary.
Place the batteries on a wood palletIf the batteries are not staying in the cart, place them on a wood pallet to prevent them from coming into contact with concrete or other surfaces that could cause damage.
Check for corrosionCheck for any signs of corrosion on the batteries or terminals, and clean them if necessary.
Charge the batteries before storageCharge the batteries fully before storage to prevent sulfation and extend their lifespan.
Store the batteries in a cool, dry areaStore the batteries in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat.
Check the charge statusCheck the charge status of the batteries periodically during storage, and recharge them if necessary.
Turn the key switch off and remove the keyTurn the key switch to the off position and remove the key during storage to prevent the battery from discharging.
Use a battery maintainerUse a battery maintainer to keep the batteries charged and in good condition during long periods of storage.

How to Store Golf Cart Batteries

Let’s dig deep into each prep to be sure we’ve covered everything.

1. Check the Water Levels

When dealing with lead-acid batteries, checking the water levels is vital. Why? Losing water leads to increased acid concentration and corrosion.

You might ask, ‘How do I check my golf cart battery’s water levels?’ Well, you have two easy options! You can inspect the battery with your eyes or use a battery hydrometer.

Worried about water levels looking low? Don’t stress! Grab some distilled water and a funnel or a battery watering system and top it off. So easy, right?

But, a note of caution: overfilling water can damage your battery and golf cart. So go easy and make sure you are just covering the plates themselves, up to the line.

2. Checking The Cables

Inspect the cables and terminals for any signs of wear, rust, or dirt. Need to clean some connections? Use a wire brush or a wrench to tighten and secure them.

Protect your golf cart batteries from future issues. Apply anti-corrosion spray or grease on the terminals and cables.

3. Placing the Batteries on A Wood Pallet (If Not Staying in The Cart)

So, you want to keep your golf cart batteries in tip-top shape during winter, right? A key step is placing them on a wood pallet or a shelf instead of in the cart. Doing this prevents damage from moisture and cold, which can affect their life. You’ll thank yourself later for taking this preventive measure.

When putting the batteries on a wood pallet or a shelf, leave a little space between them for ventilation.

By the way, don’t put these valuable batteries on concrete or metal surfaces.

Why? These surfaces can cause the batteries to discharge or even short circuit.

4. Check for Corrosion

Next, I check for corrosion on the battery terminals. Dirty or corroded terminals can affect the battery performance and cause slow charging.

To clean the terminals, mix hot water with baking soda and scrub them using a wire brush or old toothbrush. Rinse with water and wipe them clean.

5. Charging the Batteries Before Storage

If you store golf cart batteries for a long time, they can become less efficient and lose capacity. This is because of sulfation and self-discharge. That’s why we need to charge them before we store them.

When we charge them, the risk of sulfation and self-discharge is minimized. So, who wants to deal with reduced battery capacities? Not me!

6. Storing the Batteries in A Cool, Dry Area

High or low temperatures can affect battery performance and safety. So, where should you store your golf cart batteries?

A garage, shed, or basement with good ventilation and insulation is a great choice. We need a cool, dry environment to maintain the battery’s health.

Remember, don’t store batteries in direct sunlight or near heat sources. Overheating can damage batteries and, in some cases, even cause a fire.

7. Checking the Charge Status

Batteries lose charge due to self-discharge or parasitic drain. Monitoring the charge status keeps me ahead of the game during storage. If a problem develops, I can take countermeasures before it gets serious.

Now, how do you check the charge status? You can use a voltmeter.

What should you do if the batteries need recharging? Use a proper charger with an automatic shut-off feature to boost your battery.

8. Turning the Key Switch to The Off Position and Removing the Key During Storage

So, why is turning the key switch to the off position important? Well, it prevents accidental activation or theft of the golf cart.

Now, where should you store the key? Storing it in a safe place, away from children and unauthorized users. I put my key in a special drawer or a small lockbox to keep it safe.

9. Use a Battery Maintainer

So, you’ve got your golf cart all ready for storage, but how do you keep those batteries in tip-top shape? You use a battery maintainer.

It prevents sulfation and self-discharge, which lower battery capacity and efficiency.

Disconnect the battery from the golf cart. Then, connect the battery maintainer to your battery terminals.

It is ‘set and forget’. You can leave it plugged in and powered up, and it will keep your battery charged while you are off the links.

How to Store Lithium-Ion Golf Cart Batteries

Lithium golf batteries

People are switching to lithium golf carts in their droves. This is because Li-ion batteries have a lot of advantages over SLA batteries.

So, how should you store these lithium-ion batteries for the best results?

First, charge the battery before storing it. Li-ion batteries are different from lead-acid batteries. They don’t need water checks, cleaning up acid spillage, or applying anti-corrosion spray.

Find a cool and dry place to store the battery. Don’t put it on the floor. Instead, opt for a shelf or countertop. Lithium-ion batteries have a lower self-discharge rate than lead-acid batteries. They’ll hold their charge better during long periods of storage.

Before You Go …

Before you go, we have one more post that you won’t want to miss. If you’re a golf cart owner, you know how frustrating it can be when your batteries fail.

But fear not – our next post, “How to Troubleshoot Common Golf Cart Battery Problems: 5 Simple Solutions,” will provide you with the knowledge you need to identify and fix battery issues quickly.

Don’t let a dead battery ruin your day on the course – read this post and become a pro at troubleshooting common battery problems.

Lots of Golf Carts

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s the FAQs

What is the best method for winter golf cart battery storage?

During winter, the best way to store golf cart batteries is to maintain a full charge and keep them in a cool, dry place. Extreme cold can damage your batteries, so avoid exposing them to freezing temperatures.

How often should I charge my golf cart batteries during storage?

To keep your batteries in top shape during storage, charge them regularly. A fully charged battery helps in preventing better performance and potential damage. However, you should check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific charging frequency.

Is it necessary to disconnect golf cart batteries during storage?

Yes, it is. Disconnecting golf cart batteries when storing them for an extended period can prolong their lifespan. Leaving the batteries connected may lead them to discharge slowly, which can cause damage over time.

What is the recommended storage location for golf cart batteries?

A cool, dry location is the best place to store your golf cart batteries. Keep them away from direct sunlight, heat, or freezing temperatures to ensure a longer lifespan.

Can lithium golf cart batteries be stored in cold conditions?

Lithium golf cart batteries can handle colder conditions better than lead-acid batteries, but extreme cold may still affect their performance. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific storage temperature ranges.

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Steve Brown


Steve is a gadget enthusiast who's always been intrigued by batteries. The founder and editor of Battery Chargers Info, he's assembled a group of like-minded experts to cover every facet of portable power His aim is to help you learn more about your favorite gadgets and their batteries so you can maximize both their performance and their life. Follow him on Twitter: @batterycharge1

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